星期六, 2月 25, 2006


小豬在碌煎堆 Posted by Picasa
碌碌碌...... Posted by Picasa
碌到沙發...... Posted by Picasa
走過鄰居的竇口...... Posted by Picasa
路經大門口...... Posted by Picasa
走過鞋櫃頂...... Posted by Picasa
碌過畢業證書...... Posted by Picasa
走經廚房...... Posted by Picasa
碌過廁所...... Posted by Picasa
路過書房...... Posted by Picasa
碌到睡房...... Posted by Picasa
小豬:「煎堆不停滾動,我停不了!」 Posted by Picasa
豬乸:「讓我幫幫忙吧!」 Posted by Picasa
豬乸:「怎麼停不了?」 Posted by Picasa
快要撞牆了 Posted by Picasa
小豬:「豬乸,危險!快快跳開!」 Posted by Picasa
小豬:「煎堆撞牆了!」 Posted by Picasa
小豬:「噢,煎堆裂開了!」 Posted by Picasa
小豬:「豬乸你看,煎堆在哈哈笑啊!」 Posted by Picasa
吉兆:笑口常開的煎堆 Posted by Picasa
碌完煎堆,回大學上課啦! Posted by Picasa

星期一, 2月 13, 2006

Picinc to Lamma Island, with friends of Christian Times

Taken in Central, near the ferry pier for Lamma Island Posted by Picasa

On the way to Lamma Posted by Picasa

Yung She Bay Posted by Picasa

friend of Christian Times Posted by Picasa